Community Guidelines

The Network for Democratic Solidarity forms a community of citizens with the shared goal to improve our democracy, along with a shared love of this land.

First and foremost, we commit as a community to ethical guidelines that uphold indigenous rights.  All volunteers who engage in research are required to commit to the principles of indigenous data sovereignty.

For all involved in the Remembering Project, we draw on traditions rooted in this land to guide our interacitons.  With thanks to Prof. Maya Chacaby, an Anishnaabe expert in movement building, we propose four guidelines drawn from the insights of bimaadiziwin (translated roughly as “right living”):

  1. Kindness (Zhawenjigewin)

    We commit to be kind to one another in all our interactions, and to our fellow citizens.  Social media has divided and embittered too many.  Our goal should be to treat all fellow citizens with kindness no matter the level of disagreement, divergent interests and different worldviews.

  2. Honesty (Gwayakwaadisiwin)

    We commit to remain true to ourselves as individuals. While remaining kind, we speak our truths and honour our view of how our society should function and the best version of what our country represents.

  3. Sharing (Miigiwewin)

    Each of us brings unique abilities and passions to our work together, and to our roles as citizens. The Network for Democratic Solidarity will honour this diversity by helping members make the most of their gifts.

  4. Courage (Zoongide’ewin)

    Making Canada more true to our aspirations as a democracy requires change.  Members of the Network for Democratic Solidarity commit to approach change with an open mind, regardless of our attachment to the ways that came before. This may involve acknowledging our own responsibility for harms done to our fellow citizens, and a determination to change course.